Saturday, June 14, 2014

Radial Core- And the World Burns (Single)

Radial Core
And the World Burns (single)

Released: June 13th, 2014

Radial Core is a post-industrial outfit from the mind of Eroc Laidar that owes a large debt to Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails. Not that this is a bad thing, but when your song bears so much resemblance to your influence it is hard to not draw comparisons. 

And the World Burns is a down-tempo, trip-hop ode to having your city bombed. With claustrophobic, warped instrumentals and vivid lyricism, Eroc paints a desolate picture of the moments just before and after the city is destroyed.  The production is slick, but shows just enough teeth to keep the menace fresh in your mind. But, here is where the comparisons come in: while Laidar has the mood and voice right, he lacks the urgency that Reznor captured on his best tracks. Trent Reznor's songs come in and shake you awake with violence; And the World Burns is more content to sit back and let the violence speak for itself. 

That trait can be detrimental at times-- especially as it ratchets down the tempo during the outro into a slow stagger, which causes the song to lose much of its original energy. But Eroc saves the song by riding that beat into some hypnotic rhythm that eventually wins you over. 

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